Wednesday, 12 January 2022

Inter processor Communication and Synchronization

  1. The various processors in a multiprocessor system must be provided with a facility for communicating with each other.
  2. A communication path can be established through common input-output channels.
  3. In a shared memory multiprocessor system, the most common procedure is to set aside a portion of memory that is accessible to all processors.
  4. The primary use of the common memory is to act as a message center similar to a mailbox, where each processor can leave messages for other processors and pick up messages intended for it.

To prevent conflicting use of shared resources by several processors there must be a provision for assigning resources to processors. This task is given to the operating system. There are three organizations that have been used in the design of operating system for multiprocessors: master-slave configuration, separate operating system, and distributed operating system.

In a master-slave mode, one processor, designated the master, always executes the operating system functions. The remaining processors, denoted as slaves, do not perform operating system functions. If a slave processor needs an operating system service, it must request it by interrupting the master and waiting until the current program can be interrupted.

In the separate operating system organization, each processor can execute the operating system routines it needs. This organization is more suitable for loosely coupled systems where every processor may have its own copy of the entire operating system. 

In the distributed operating system organization, the operating system routines are distributed among the available processors. However, each particular operating system function is assigned to only one processor at a time. This type of organization is also referred to as a floating operating system since the routines float from one processor to another and the execution of the routines may be assigned to different processors at different times.

Interprocessor Synchronization

The instruction set of a multiprocessor contains basic instructions that are used to implement communication and synchronization between cooperating processes. Communication refers to the exchange of data between different processes. For example, parameters passed to a procedure in a different processor constitute inter processor communication. Synchronization refers to the special case where the data used to communicate between processors is control information. Synchronization is needed to enforce the correct sequence of processes and to ensure mutually exclusive access to shared writable data.

Multiprocessor systems usually include various mechanisms to deal with the synchronization of resources. Low-level primitives are implemented directly by the hardware. These primitives are the basic mechanisms that enforce mutual exclusion for more complex mechanisms implemented in software. A number of hardware mechanisms for mutual exclusion have been developed. One of the most popular methods is through the use of a binary semaphore.

Mutual Exclusion with a Semaphore

A binary variable called a semaphore is often used to indicate whether or not a processor is executing a critical section. A semaphore is a software-controlled flag that is stored in a memory location that all processors can access. When the semaphore is equal to 1, it means that a processor is executing a critical program, so that the shared memory is not available to other processors. When the semaphore is equal to 0, the shared memory is available to any requesting processor. Processors that share the same memory segment agree by convention not to use the memory segment unless the semaphore is equal to 0, indicating that memory is available. They also agree to set the semaphore to 1 when they are executing a critical section and to clear it to 0 when they are finished.

A semaphore can be initialized by means of a test and set instruction in conjunction with a hardware lock mechanism. A hardware lock is a processor- generated signal that serves to prevent other processors from using the system bus as long as the signal is active. The test-and-set instruction tests and sets a semaphore and activates the lock mechanism during the time that the instruction is being executed. This prevents other processors from changing the semaphore between the time that the processor is testing it and the time that it is setting it. Assume that the semaphore is a bit in the least significant position of a memory word whose address is symbolized by SEM. Let the mnemonic TSL designate the “test and set while locked” operation. The instruction


will be executed in two memory cycles (the first to read and the second to write) without interference as follows:

R ← M[SEM] Test semaphore
M [SEM] ← 1 Set semaphore

The semaphore is tested by transferring its value to a processor register R and then it is set to 1. The value in R determines what to do next. If the processor finds that R = 1, it knows that the semaphore was originally set (the fact that it is set again does not change the semaphore value). That means another processor is executing a critical section, so the processor that checked the semaphore does not access the shared memory. R = 0 means that the common memory (or the shared resource that the semaphore represents) is available. The semaphore is set to 1 to prevent other processors from accessing memory. The processor can now execute the critical section. The last instruction in the program must clear location SEM to zero to release the share resource to other processors.


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