Implementation Steps Explained
Dataset Loading and Splitting:
- The California Housing dataset is loaded using
. - The dataset is split into training and testing sets (70% training, 30% testing) to evaluate model performance on unseen data.
- The California Housing dataset is loaded using
Ordinary Linear Regression:
- A basic
model is trained on the training data. - Predictions are made on the test set, and performance is evaluated using Mean Squared Error (MSE) and R² Score.
- A basic
Defining a Range of Regularization Parameters (α):
- A set of alpha values is defined using
to span from very low (0.001) to high (1000) values. - These values control the strength of the regularization.
- A set of alpha values is defined using
Training Ridge and Lasso Regression Models:
- For each alpha value, both a Ridge and a Lasso regression model are trained on the training data.
- Their performance on the test set is evaluated using MSE and R² Score, and the results are stored.
Identifying the Optimal α:
- The alpha value that results in the lowest MSE is selected as the optimal parameter for each model (Ridge and Lasso).
- MSE versus alpha is plotted on a logarithmic scale for both Ridge and Lasso regression.
- Vertical lines indicate the optimal alpha values, illustrating how regularization impacts model performance.
Comparing Models:
- The best Ridge and Lasso models (using the optimal α values) are retrained and compared against the ordinary Linear Regression model.
- The comparison is done using MSE and R² Score to assess how regularization improves or affects performance.
Linear Regression MSE: 0.53 Linear Regression R²: 0.60 Optimal Ridge alpha: 323.7458 Optimal Lasso alpha: 0.0095
Comparison of Models on Test Data: Linear Regression - MSE: 0.53, R²: 0.60 Ridge Regression - MSE: 0.52, R²: 0.60 Lasso Regression - MSE: 0.53, R²: 0.60
Analysis of Regularization Impact
Low α Values:
When α is very low, the regularization effect is minimal, and the models behave similarly to ordinary linear regression. This can lead to complex models that may overfit the training data.High α Values:
As α increases, the regularization effect becomes stronger. This forces the model coefficients to shrink toward zero, potentially reducing overfitting but also risking underfitting if α is too high.Optimal α:
The optimal value of α balances the trade-off between bias and variance, leading to a model that generalizes well to unseen data. The plots help visualize how MSE changes with α, providing insight into the best regularization strength for the given dataset.
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