I. Overview of Database Management System
- File System: Introduction, Drawbacks
- History and Development of DBMS
- Objectives of DBMS
- Classification of DBMS
- Advantages and Disadvantages of DBMS
- ANSI / SPARK Model (Levels of abstraction)
- Component and Interfaces of DBMS
- DBMS Architectures
- Data Models
- Situations where DBMS is not necessary
- DBMS Vendors and their productions
- The Building Blocks of ER-Model
- Steps to construct an ER Diagram
- Types of Entities
- Different types of attributes
- Different types of relationships and relationship degree
- Reducing ER Diagram to Tables
- Enhanced ER Modeling
- Generalization and specialization
- IS-A Relationships and attribute relationship
- Attribute and Multiple inheritance
- Aggregation and composition
- constraints on Generalization and specialization
- Entity clustering
- Connection traps
III. Relational Model in DBMS
- Introduction to Relational Model
- CODD Rules
- Concept of key
- Relational integrity
- Relational algebra operations
- Advantages and limitations of relational algebra
- Relational Calculus (TRC and DRC)
IV. Normalization
- Anomalies in DBMS
- Functional dependencies
- Inference rules
- Closure of an attribute set
- Determining candidate key of a relation
- Finding the Candidate Key of a sub relation using FD's
- Determining number of possible super keys of a sub relation.
- Checking additional functional dependencies
- Equivalence of two sets of functional dependencies
- Minimal cover of relation
- Relational decomposition and Dependency preserving
- Introduction to normalization
- First Normal Form (1NF)
- Second Normal Form(2NF)
- Third Normal Form(3NF)
- Boycod normal form (BCNF)
- Higher normal forms
- Multi valued Dependencies
V. Structured Query Language (SQL)
- Introduction to SQL
- SQL commands
- SQL Data types
- Selection and projection operation
- Aggregate function in SQL
- Integrity constraints
- Complex Integrity Constraints in SQL
- Enforcing integrity constraints
- Sub-Query and correlated Sub-Query
- Embedded Queries
- SQL Joins
- Views
- NULL Values and It's importance in SQL Query
VI. Programming with PL/SQL
- Need of PL/SQL programming in database
- Structure of PL/SQL Program
- PL/SQL Language elements
- Data types in PL/SQL
- Control statements in PL/SQL
- Iterative controls in PL/SQL
- Creating and Running cursors in PL/SQL
- Creating functions, procedures, and package in PL/SQL
- Exception Handling in PL/SQL
- Database Triggers in PL/SQL
VII. Transaction Management and Concurrency Control
- Transaction Concept
- Transaction States
- Implementation of Atomicity and Durability
- Concurrent Executions
- Serializability
- Recoverability
- Implementation of Isolation
- Lock-based protocols
- Timestamp-based protocols
VIII. Storage Management (Overview of Storage and Indexing)
- Data on external storage
- File Organization and Indexing
- Index structures
- Indexed Sequential Access Methods (ISAM),
- B+ Trees: A Dynamic index Structure.
DBMS GATE Questions
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