Data Structures using python

 Python Programming is the most leading programming in the 21st century. It is used to implement so many algorithms and concepts starting from mathematics to ending with real life problems. Python is also used to implement Data Structure. Comparing to other programming language implementations, Python implementation is more convenient and easy. Here are some those implementations 

For detailed concepts, examples, and algorithms on Data structures check here

Sorting techniues
  1. Write a Python program to implement Bubble sort.
  2. Write a Python program to implement Insertion sort.
  3. Write a Python program to implement Selection sort
  4. Write a Python program to implement Quick sort.
  5. Write a Python program to implement Merge sort.
  6. Write a Python program to implement Heap sort.

Searching techniues

  1. Write a Python program that use both recursive and non-recursive functions to
  2. perform linear search.
  3. Write a Python program that use both recursive and non-recursive functions to perform
  4. binary search
  5. Write a Python program that use both recursive and non-recursive functions to perform Fibonacci search
  6. Write a Python program that use both recursive and non-recursive functions to perform indexed sequential search

Stack implementations

  1. Write a Python program to implement Stack operations using arrays
  2. Write a Python program to implement Stack operations using Linked List
  3. Write a Python program to convert infix expression into postfix expression using Stack
  4. Write a Python program to evaluate postfix expression

Queue implementations

  1. Write a Python program to implement Queue operations using arrays.
  2. Write a Python program to implement Queue operations using Linked List
  3. Write a Python program to implement Double ended Queue operations
  4. Write a Python program to implement Priority Queue operations
  5. Write a Python program to implement Circular Queue operations

Linked list implementation

1.Write a Python program to implement the following operations on a singly linked using functions
i) Insertion
ii) Deletion
iii) Displaying
iv) Reversing
2. Write a Python program to implement the following operations on a doubly linked using functions
i) Insertion
ii) Deletion
iii) Displaying
iv) Reversing
3. Write a Python program to store a polynomial expression in memory using linked list.

Tree implementation

1.Write a Python program to implement following Operations on a Binary Tree
i) Create
ii) In-order traversal
iii) Pre-order traversal
iv) Post-order traversal
2.Write a Python program to implement following Operations a Binary Search Tree
i) Create
ii) Insert
iii) Delete
3. Write a Python program to find max element and min element a Binary Search Tree

Graph implementation
  1. Write a Python program to Travers a graph using Depth First search
  2. Write a Python program to Travers a graph using Breath First search
  3. Write a Python program to find the minimum spanning tree using Krushkall’s Algorithm.
  4. Write a Python program to find the minimum spanning tree using Prims’s Algorithm.
  5. Write a Python program to compute the shortest path of a graph using Dijkstra’s algorithm


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